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Product details & instructions


100% Organic Lion's Mane Liquid Culture Genetics


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 - All-In-One Wood Lovers Step-By-Step Inoculation & Fruiting Bag Tek Guide - View Here

- Creating Grain Spawn -View Here

Additional Information

Storage: Keep the syringe refrigerated until ready to use, ideally between 35-39°F (1-4°C).

Shelf Life: Best if used within 2-3 months of purchase for optimal results.

Volume: Each syringe contains 20mL or 60mL of liquid culture, sufficient for multiple inoculations. We recommend using 10mL of liquid culture per 3lbs of all-in-one bag or grain bags.

Safety Information

For Cultivation Use Only: This product is intended for mushroom cultivation and educational purposes; it is not meant for direct human or animal injection.

Sterile Conditions Required: To avoid contamination, use only in clean, sterile environments.

Keep Out of Reach: Store safely out of reach of children and pets.