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Product details & instructions


100% Organic Purple Mukitake Genetics


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Storage & Shelf Life

Agar plates should be stored in a cool, dark place upon arrival, ideally in a refrigerator set to 35-40°F (1-4°C). Avoid freezing, as it can damage the mycelium.

Properly stored, it will remain viable for approximately six months. Avoid exposing plates to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can harm the mycelium and reduce shelf life.

Following these storage guidelines will help ensure the culture remains viable and ready for inoculation when needed.

Safety Information

Sterile Handling: Always work in a clean, sterile environment, such as a still-air box or laminar flow hood, to minimize contamination. Use gloves and disinfected tools when handling plates.

Avoid Direct Contact: Do not touch the agar surface directly. Any direct contact with hands or non-sterile objects can introduce contaminants and compromise the culture.

Proper Disposal: Dispose of used plates in sealed bags to prevent the spread of mold or bacteria. Follow local guidelines for waste disposal.

Following these safety steps ensures the longevity and purity of your agar plates, supporting successful and safe cultivation.